Chasing down signatures

Plans for a dog park in Bonnyville are forging ahead.

A local resident is chasing down signatures in hopes of getting an off-leash dog park in Bonnyville.

Lorelei Gertz is a resident and dog lover who has time and time again witnessed other pet owners walking their dogs off-leash.

This sparked the idea to get the ball rolling on bringing a dog park to Bonnyville.

Her first move was to start a petition.

“The reason why I started the petition was because there are two dog parks in Cold Lake, and my husband and I have driven all the way to Cold Lake just to use them. We happened to be doing other business while we were there and we thought, wouldn't it be great if we could have one in Bonnyville,” Gertz expressed. “We've really enjoyed having the privilege of using them in other communities when we have travelled with our pets, and it would be great if Bonnyville could have a similar facility for all of the dog lovers.”

The ideal dog park would be the size of a baseball diamond and surrounded by a five-foot tall chain link fence, she described.

“It would need to have a secure gate to ensure there are no escapes, but even having a double gate would be better,” Gertz continued. “A source of water like a tap would be great in case dogs need to have a little drink while they're playing in the hot sun.”

She would suggest trees for shade and play, and a bench for dog owners to sit on, but Gertz understands they can't have everything.

Having an off-leash dog park would give residents a chance to socialize with other dog lovers and give their furry friends some much needed exercise.

“There is definitely some benefits for the dogs. A lot of dogs don't know how to socialize with other dogs or even people. This would be a safe environment to do that,” Gertz explained. “It would also promote a great sense of community, because this would be an area where like-minded people can meet each other, network, and create friendships.”

The Town of Bonnyville has already stated a dog park is slotted in for future planning, but Gertz just wants to make sure they follow through.

“I do realize that a lot of people think a petition is created because an idea of something is not in the works, but I do realize a dog park is in the works with the Town of Bonnyville. What I learned from attending the town meeting the other night, is it's in the works for a couple of years down the road. However, I want to convince council while it's okay to have a project down the road, we want somewhat of a guarantee it's going to happen,” she said. “I just want to confirm it won't continue to be pushed off in lieu of other projects.”

Gertz will attend the Dec. 5 Town of Bonnyville budget open house to discuss the topic with councillors.

“Essentially, I would like to work as a partnership with council and provide some ideas and input as to what should be included and the location, just brainstorming to get this project started,” she said.

So far, the petition has received over 460 signatures.

Gertz said it proves that residents want a dog park in their community.

“It's great, it's awesome, and it shows me the residents of Bonnyville support this idea whole-heartedly,” she expressed.

For more information, or, to sign the petition go to, and search ‘Bonnyville needs a dog park.'

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