Glendon bi-election: Meet the Candidates

After Glendon councillor Nancy Pelletier stepped down from her position on the Village of Glendon Council due to personal reasons, a bi-election for her seat at the table was announced.

Four locals put forward their names and will be included on the ballots election day.

On Nov. 19, Glendon residents will be taking to the polls to select their third and final councillor.

In order to give the public an opportunity to get to know their candidates, the Bonnyville Nouvelle asked them each the same five questions.

Their answers are included below, and they appear in alphabetical order.


   A: “I want to see change in town. Everything has been stagnant.”

Q: What education and experience do you have that makes you a good candidate?

   A: “I’ve lived in the town my whole life. I’ve ran a business in town for the last five years. My family has had a business in town since the 1940s... I want to see more businesses move into town.”

Q: What changes would you like to see?

   A: “I would like to see a few more incentives for local business. Even some of the other communities, there are towns giving incentives that are getting people moving into town. It seems like we found everybody’s moving out.”

Q: Tell us about yourself

   A: “As you get older, you start thinking things are a little more important. You go from being a pain in the town to trying to help it. I’ve lived in Glendon my whole life.”

Q: What would you like to tell voters?

   A: “People need to come out and vote. I hear a lot of people griping about things around town and when you ask them ‘well, who did you vote for?’ They say they didn’t have time to vote. People need to get out there and vote.”


Rick Stieben

Q: Why are you running for council?

   A: “I’m running for council because I think I would be a good fit with the people already there. I have some experience, and I think I would work well with Laura Papirny and Scott Ludgren... We all have a variety of experience to bring to the table, and I think it would be a good fit.”

Q: What education and experience do you have that makes you a good candidate?

   A: “I’ve already done two terms as a councillor... Even though you’re always learning and there are always new regulations and things are always changing, the learning curve never ends in this job. I’ve had a business in the past, I’ve worked for a local oil company. I’ve been in Glendon 11 years now, and I believe I bring a lot of good experience to the table overall.”

Q: What changes would you like to see?

   A: “I would like to see continuing on with infrastructure work. We started some when I was in before and I would like to see that carried on... I would like to see more infrastructure upgraded, and hopefully that will bring more people to town.”

Q: Tell us about yourself

   A: “My spouse and I have  been here 11 years, we like Glendon. It’s a friendly community... I’m probably going to be the oldest councillor if I get in, so I definitely have some experience. It’s been a good experience in the past, and I hope it will be again.”

Q: What would you like to tell voters?

   A: “Come out and vote. We’re all approachable, stop and ask us questions. Sometimes people have really good ideas.... I always like listening to what people have to say.”


Nicholas Werstiuk

Q: Why are you running for council?

   A: “I’m running for council because I care about the community and the people in the area. We’ve noticed a major decrease in businesses in the area and I feel that with my business background I can bring some value to the community... I just care.”

Q: What education and experience do you have that makes you a good candidate?

   A: “I was raised in a family where our parents were both teachers. I went to NAIT and did petroleum engineering. I worked in the oil industry, and still do. I have 14 years of experience. I also have a farming background. I was raised on a farm, and we still farm today. I think I can relate to a lot of people in the community either farming wise, or in the industry, as well as the public sector, because I know what that was like with my parents.”

Q: What changes would you like to see?

   A: “There are so many. I know that we need to look at providing housing for seniors, and more so as a lodging facility. A lot of our seniors are leaving the community... I would also like to see taxes reduced on businesses, corporate incentives to bring businesses back into the community, and we need infrastructure. There needs to be upgrading to infrastructure. I have an idea of building a campground and having campsites, and bringing in a fitness gym into the community. All have to be within budget obviously.”

Q: Tell us about yourself

   A: “I was raised in traditional fashion. I went to Glendon School and did a lot of volunteering... I really care about our community and we really care about our friends and family. I would say that I’m a hard working and dedicated individual who’s goal-orientated. I feel I can relate to a lot of people in the community.”

Q: What would you like to tell voters?

   A: “I believe that I can relate to a lot of people in the area, and I’m looking forward to their support.”



   A: “I think I’m a passionate community member who would like to be involved in the aspects, behind the scenes maybe, of helping the community, keeping it moving forward.”

Q: What education and experience do you have that makes you a good candidate?

   A: “I’ve been involved with the Parent Advisory Council and the school for eight years. I understand what it means to be in the community and the processes behind it. I think that helped prepared me for this journey.”

Q: What changes would you like to see?

   A: “I would love to see more economic growth within Glendon. I think our business sector is a little slow, and it needs to see that boosted up, to see more businesses coming into Glendon, and to continue our infrastructure project that had been started within the community.”

Q: Tell us about yourself

   A: “We’ve lived in Glendon for 12.5 years. I’ve been very involved in the community. I volunteer with the fire department and help out with their fundraisers... I help with the village Canada Day festival. I try to be involved with the community as much as possible.”

Q: What would you like to tell voters?

   A: “ Vote for someone who you think can better the community as a whole, not just one aspect of the community, somebody who has a good voice for everyone who lives within the village and not just a certain sector.”

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