Kehewin hosts annual poker rally

This two-person horse sleigh makes for a cozy ride during the poker rally at Kehewin on Feb. 25.

A horse-drawn poker rally took place in Kehewin on Feb. 25. Many participating said horses are not just a fun way to spend a weekend together but also signify a way of life for Kehewin culture.

The Sleigh and Cutter Poker Rally in Kehewin began just before noon. In total, 15 teams participated, as well as outriders and saddle horses.

These numbers are down from last year's total, which was approximately 28. The cold weather is believed to have had a negative effect on the outcome of the event.

Participants bundled up to brave the cold with friends and family, filling small and large horse-drawn sleighs with smiles and blankets.

At the half-way point, the teams stopped for a fire to roast hot dogs and sip hot chocolate.

There were lots of door prizes to be handed out, especially for visitors, including a harness set and other horse gear.

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