Curlers mix in hockey theme for annual men's bonspiel in Lac La Biche

Wade Doucette and Jacob Meyer sweep to their end during a game. Chris McGarry photo.
Devon Germaine stood out by wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey amongst a sea of Edmonton Oilers fans at the annual Men’s Bonspiel. Chris McGarry photo.
Dalen Beniuk was one of several local residents who participated in the annual Men’s Bonspiel, which took place Saturday at the Lac La Biche Curling rink. As is part of the tradition of the event, curlers donned hockey jerseys, with many, like Beniuk, wearing the colours of the Edmonton Oilers. Chris McGarry photo.
Les Cote and Richard Bourassa wait to sweep as Colin Huber throws the rock. Chris McGarry photo.
Terry Colosimo watches the rock he has just thrown. Chris McGarry photo.
Mike Teeter and Drew Mosich sweep the rock down the ice during one of the games played Saturday at the annual Men’s Bonspiel. Chris McGarry photo.

A sea of hockey jerseys filled the Lac La Biche Curling Club on Saturday as a group of curlers, many of whom were from the local area, gathered for the annual Men’s Bonspiel. The event, which got underway in the morning, coincided with Hockey Day in Canada and the Battle of Alberta between the Edmonton Oilers and the Calgary Flames.


As is part of the tradition of the Men’s Bonspiel, competitors were decked out in their favourite hockey jerseys. While the Edmonton Oilers were the preferred team, a few others were represented as well, including the Florida Panthers and the Toronto Maple Leafs along with the jerseys of the Portage College Voyageurs, Lac La Biche Clippers, and even Team Canada.

Sliding into the action

The tournament used a skins format, meaning that teams played three six-end games during the day, with money available to be won at every end and $90 at stake in every game. This year’s event featured 10 teams.

Prizes were given out at the end of the day. Later in the evening, the competitors gathered to watch the Battle of Alberta Hockey game between the Edmonton Oilers and the Calgary Flames.

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