Bonnyville man recognized for involvement in local hockey

A Bonnyville Minor Hockey Association (BMHA) volunteer has been recognized on a provincial level for his dedication to the sport.

Gary Goreniuk was the 2018 Hockey Alberta Dave Ganley Award recipient for his commitment in the Northeast Zone.

The award is presented to officiants in Alberta who have made outstanding contributions to hockey teams on a local or provincial level. They must have a good standing in the community and been  involved with the organization for a minimum of 15 years.

Goreniuk is currently the vice chairman for the Northeast Zone of the Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association, and has held a number of titles and responsibilities over the years.

Out of his 22 seasons in hockey, he has spent 10 with BMHA.

Goreniuk is in charge of assigning officials to games in Bonnyville. He also trains upcoming officials and has acted as a referee in chief for local and provincial tournaments.

At the age of 27, a friend suggested Goreniuk consider becoming a hockey referee.

Prior to becoming a referee, he had little to no experience playing hockey.

“I took a power skating course out in Smoky Lake to learn how to skate,” Goreniuk expressed.

His love for the sport and helping the hockey community is what brings him back year after year.

“The arena is my second home, and sometimes its my first home,” he said.

Over the years, Goreniuk has been involved with numerous levels of hockey, including junior B, senior, and the Alberta Junior Hockey League.

Rob Larson, Northeast Zone chair, suggested Goreniuk for the award.

Until Larson delivered the award, Goreniuk hadn’t even been aware he was nominated.

Goreniuk said he wasn’t expecting to receive a nomination, much less receive the award.

“I think I was shingling my shed when he came by,” he explained.

There was an outpouring of support when BMHA announced Goreniuk had won the award, and many agreed it was well deserved.

“Gary has put countless hours into the club,” expressed Natalie Amyotte, secretary for BMHA. “He puts his heart and soul into hockey, and it couldn’t have gone to a more deserving person.”

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