Keeping employees and products safe

Last week, a liquor store in Edmonton implemented an interesting initiative in an attempt to curb the number of thefts.

A system was installed called PatronScan, which requires customers to scan identification, such as a driver’s license, in order to gain entry into the store. If an ID isn’t scanned, the person isn’t permitted inside.

With the amount of liquor store thefts seen throughout the province, including locally, I really think that something like this could be a good idea. I know it’s more-so meant to prevent robberies and shoplifting, but the safety it would be giving to workers is paramount to me.

Being the victim of a crime like this could be incredibly traumatizing. I see this as a way businesses can protect their staff. Obviously, they don’t want to lose money or product, but this stops someone from walking away from a job they need due to safety concerns.

Someone I knew used to work in a gas station in a bad part of town, but eventually quit because his coworker got robbed during their shift and he was terrified that it might happen to him.

While I know there are huge differences between a gas station and a liquor store, my friend told me the main reason he left was that the owners wouldn’t make changes to try and prevent it from happening again. The suggestions from police were left in a drawer, and when asked what to do if a similar scenario occurred they were told not to worry about it.

I personally wouldn’t want to work for someone who had such a disregard for their employee’s safety, and would have done the same thing in that situation.

Unfortunately, crime is a part of our lives and it feels like little can be done to combat it. Criminals are determined, and they accomplish what they set their minds to, however, it could be something as small as stores using technology like PatronScan that can slow them down and make a dent in the climbing numbers we see. I would feel a lot better with a program installed at my place of work, and what it means from my employers that they’re trying to keep everyone safe.

Even if this kind of technology only prevents one crime, I think it’s done its job and could be considered a success.

Robynne Henry, Bonnyville Nouvelle

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