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Police say Plamondon man arrested near Boyle with weapons

Boyle RCMP say they have charged two men, one from Plamondon, in connection to an arrest made last Wednesday - May 8.

Boyle RCMP say they have charged two men, one from Plamondon, in connection to an arrest made last Wednesday - May 8.

Police say at about five that afternoon, they received a complaint from the public about two suspicious males trespassing on a rural property. Boyle RCMP went to the area and located two suspects and a vehicle. Police report that a search of the vehicle found three firearms, including  two that had sawed-off barrels. Police also say they found and a device with a flashlight-taser combo. All of the items were seized by police.

As a result of the investigation, Timothy Adam Tyson, 39, a resident of Plamondon, is facing two charges of possessing a prohibited firearm, two counts of careless storage of a firearm and once charge of possession of a prohibited weapon for a dangerous purpose. 

Darcy Allan Kandt, 33, a resident of Westlock is charged with three counts of possessing a prohibited weapon, two counts of careless firearm storage, one count of possession of a prohibited firearm for a dangerous purpose and one count of failing to comply with a court order.

Tyson and Kandt were brought before a justice of the peace and have been custody since their arrest. They are to appear at the Alberta Court of Justice in Boyle on May 28.

Community assistance

RCMP officials in Boyle encourage more residents to call in suspicious activity. 

‘‘We would like to thank the public for calling in this suspicious activity’’ said Boyle RCMP detachment commander Sgt Dennis Properzi, explaining that community involvement in policing has been a big part of recent meetings with residents regarding rural crime in the area. ‘‘We encourage the public to keep calling in with any information regarding suspicious or illegal activity, as was stressed in all of our annual town hall meetings. These calls allow us to effectively work with our communities and ensure their needs and safety is being addressed.’’


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