A reminder to appreciate our normal

If ever there was a time where I’ve really noticed how my husband and I have a very clear reversal from what many might consider more traditional “roles,” it’s been the past few days. I’ve also been served a reminder of how much I truly do need family support to keep my life in order.

Although I’ve always had an appreciation for married couples who have a spouse that works away from home for extended periods of time, these last few days have also reaffirmed how much of a challenge many families face trying to balance work, family and everything in between.

Since Friday afternoon (although, I had to honestly think about that before typing it, since it feels like much longer already), my husband has been working away from home. As a result of the wildfire that ravaged many homes in Fort McMurray, my husband and father-in-law have gone north to repair my sister-in-law’s home. Although they are definitely among the luckier ones in many ways, their home did suffer some damage, and new siding and decks were needed.

But, compared to the devastation that is still clearly visible nearly all around them, this job is pretty easy, it won’t take much more than a week, and I will have my husband back soon enough.

Of course though, it worked out that he left just after a very busy week, and right on the heels of a very busy weekend, which coincided the first week of summer break for our boys.

So along with being incredibly thankful for having a husband who has been willing to be a stay-at-home parent for much of the last nine years, my children also have two very accommodating grandmas, who are always willing and almost always able to juggle their own schedules to swoop in when needed.

Although I was without a husband for about a week, I did manage to (so far) keep myself together, with the help of my mother-in-law – the very person who taught my husband how to be amazing at cleaning, and keeping a house running smoothly.

I learnt a while ago that depending on family is nothing to be ashamed of, but rather something to be treasured. Living within walking distance of my own parents for just a few months is already proving its worth, especially when we run out of milk at 9 a.m. on Saturday, or 9 p.m. on Wednesday.

On Sunday morning, one of the first texts I received was from my mom, asking if I needed anything. Although her cleaning skills might not be up to par with my husband’s high standards (and I say that in a loving way – to both of them), she is always ready to be an extra taxi, taking the boys to soccer, karate, or this week likely tennis camp, at a moment’s notice.

I have just a few days left of trying to function without a husband, and there’s no way I can say I’ve been juggling anything on my own this past week. I’m excited to have him back, but also very thankful for the helping hands, and the fact that this isn’t our typical scenario.

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