It's great knowing you've been heard

It’s nice to know when you’re speaking someone is listening.

Last week, local municipal representatives made the trip to Edmonton and sat down with the Minister of Justice to talk about one thing: rural crime.

Although there isn’t a one-size fits all solution, local leaders wanted answers. They shared what they believed were some of the top concerns of the Lakeland, and were searching for solutions.

Some even had recommendations.

Hiring more Crown prosecutors, getting more boots on the ground, and more consequences for repeat offenders were a few of their suggestions.

But it doesn’t matter what ideas local representatives can come up with if no one will listen.

Meeting with the Minister of Justice is a rare opportunity, and local dignitaries wouldn’t take it for granted.

They spent the time they had fighting for the area, letting the minister know just how bad it has gotten, and what residents, RCMP, and municipalities as a whole need to see.

In the end, they can hope that what they had to say didn’t fall on deaf ears, but until there is change, it will be hard to know if she truly heard and believed the stories they shared.

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