A budding new business

Canna Cold Lake was the first recreational cannabis retailer to set up shop in Cold Lake. (left to right) Janeen Longjohn, bud tender, Irene Zimmer, co-owner, Nick Zimmer, co-owner, and T.J. Fink, bud tender.

There's a budding new business in Cold Lake, and it's the first to offer legal recreational cannabis to the region.

Canna Cold Lake officially opened their doors to customers on Nov. 13, offering the area's first pot shop.

“We’re very proud to be the first (recreational cannabis) store open in the Lakeland, because that’s going to go down in history,” expressed co-owner Irene Zimmer.

Unlike several other businesses that had full intentions of opening up cannabis locations of their own, Canna Cold Lake was one of the stores approved before the Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) put a hold on issuing more retail licenses.

Canna Cold Lake is located at 1004, 5101-46th Ave.

“We were relieved," Zimmer said. “We were probably in the last 20 licenses that were approved."

The AGLC made the call to freeze all applications due to a shortage in product, which has continued to be an issue for the stores that are already open.

“We’ve actually run out almost every week, and that’s due to the AGLC shortage."

According to Zimmer, Canna Cold Lake is given an order list each week, but the quantity is limited.

Their store hours are generally from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., but change depending on stock availability.

With the industry itself new to Canada, Canna Cold Lake had to do some digging in order to determine the best way to map out their store.

“We did a whole lot of research on dispensaries and how they were made,” explained Zimmer. “We didn’t want the wide-open concept."

Instead, they went for a space that offers confidentiality for their customers, which is one of their top priorities, Zimmer stressed.

“It’s a new industry. You have experienced smokers from a long-time ago, people who have never tried it, and people who haven’t smoked in 30 years or longer. All walks of life are coming through our doors, and that’s the main priority."

She added, "I don't want anyone feeling judged."

Zimmer described the application process as long.

This particular store started their journey in March 2017.

Over the course of the next few months, Canna Cold Lake worked closely with the AGLC to ensure they were within the regulations and to provide necessary plans and documentation.

It wasn't until July of this year that they were told they had received preliminary approval.

But it's not only the AGLC that cannabis retailers have to consider. Municipal bylaws in terms of location are another step.

“Cold Lake was really good at getting all of their ducks in a row early,” Zimmer emphasized. “They seem to have modelled their bylaws close to the AGLC policies and regulations."

The store did have one hiccup along the way when it comes to their original name.

Zimmer said the business wasn't always called Canna Cold Lake.

In fact, their original application was under Green CHE, but was changed at the request of the AGLC.

"The CHE stood for Concentrates, Herbs, and Edibles for the future when we do have those things,” detailed Zimmer, adding they were asked to reconsider their title because of a possible conflict.

“CHE was very similar, and could have been misconstrued as a play-on words, for Che Guevara. He’s a Cuban dictator that was really cruel,” noted Zimmer.

With that in mind they tossed around some ideas before settling on Canna Cold Lake.

The business takes pride in being 100 per cent local, right down to their bud tenders, who offer over the counter service to their customers.

When they first opened their doors over a month ago, they welcomed a line-up of people.

It's not always those looking to purchase the product coming into the store.

“We have a lot of people who just come in and look and ask questions, they’re not interested in buying, but they want to see,” Zimmer said.

Canna Cold Lake is located at 1004, 5101-46th Ave.

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