Institute of Massage Therapy set to open Cold Lake campus in 2016

The Northern Institute of Massage Therapy is planning to open a campus in Cold Lake in Spring 2016.

A new college will open its door to students in Cold Lake next spring.

Red Deer-based Northern Institute of Massage Therapy (NIMT) will be opening a second campus in March or April 2016, located in Cold Lake.

“So far it is looking very positive,” said Kal Sadra, one of four co-owners. “We met the Cold Lake Chamber of Commerce and the response was positive from their side as well, and we are looking forward to coming down there a few more times and meeting with more businesses.”

Staff from the Red Deer location will be brought into Cold Lake to offer the first group of students courses in relaxation massage and therapeutic massage. Teaching assistants will be hired from Cold Lake and eventually more locals will be hired and brought onto the team.

“I think anything that provides students education is a great thing, especially out in rural Alberta,” said Cold Lake Mayor Craig Copeland. “There's a big shortage from what I understand of massage therapists so I'm all supportive of it.”

Sadra also believes there is a demand for massage therapists that isn't being met.

“In general there is a huge shortage of therapists, not only in the Cold Lake area, but in general,” Sadra said, adding his team plans on holding workshops in high schools and attending career fairs to get more students to consider a career in massage therapy.

“By opening the college we will be making more people aware.”

Although a location for the campus has yet to be decided, Sadra confirmed that one of the locations being considered is the space behind Dr. Chander Gupta's recently opened CGA Imaging clinic at 2012-8th Ave. in Cold Lake.

Gupta, also a NIMT co-owner, told Sadra there is good scope for expanding the business to Cold Lake and the surrounding areas. After getting a positive response from the Chamber and the City, they decided to make inroads into the area.

“Any new service or any improved service that we get to Cold Lake and area is going to be good for the community,” said Cold Lake Chamber of Commerce President Trevor Benoit. “I like to see new business, I like to see a wide range of businesses, so I think it's a welcome addition to Cold Lake and its residents.”

Benoit added that massage therapy and aesthetics are the kind of programs many second-income earners in families like to get into.

“Having that training right in town is going to be a benefit because people are going to want to move to Cold Lake and work here and it will just increase the livability of Cold Lake.”

Sadra confirmed that the Cold Lake campus will offer the same programs in place at Red Deer, where there are between 80 to100 students currently enrolled.

NIMT Registrar Toni Lesko says the college has already received a number of phone calls inquiring about the new campus.

“We think it's going to be extremely beneficial for the community,” she said.

“I think we can give another career option to these kids or people of Cold Lake and surrounding communities,” Sadra noted.

“Massage therapy is a profession that helps people in so many ways.”

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