Robert MacFadzean - Libertarian Party of Canada

Robert MacFadzean

Robert McFadzean, Libertarian Party of Canada Candidate


I am married with seven children and many grandchildren. I am a retired Lakeland College, Vermilion instructor where I taught in the School of Agriculture. My courses were in the area of economics and financial management. I have felt for many years that our choices in political parties were variations of ineffective central planning. The libertarian political philosophy is based on correct and true principles. I am pleased to represent the Libertarian Party of Canada to give voters in our riding a real choice.

1 - What would you do to address the problems such as labour shortages caused by the changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program?

Eliminate the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and replace it with a streamlined work visa program, and residency roll out. Granting foreign workers legal residency ensures that the Canadian economy continues to grow without subjecting them to poor working conditions.

2 – What would be your party's direction to create increased economic and job stability?

The Libertarian Party of Canada stands for free market economic policies, property rights and entrepreneurship. As such, the Libertarian Party would:

• Reduce federal income taxes to a maximum rate of 15% and increase the personal income tax exemption amount to $17,300 from $11,500

• Eliminate all tax credits, and replace them with four additional exemptions, valued at $4,000 each (Child, Senior, Disability, Student)

• End all forms of corporate welfare

• Audit the Bank of Canada’s effect on inflation and gradually phase out government control over the money supply

All levels of government using all forms of taxation take 40+ % out of the private sector. This is a tremendous loss of resources to the private sector such that many business opportunities and the associated employment never come to be. Governments also impose a myriad of regulations on businesses which further burden existing businesses and which are barriers to start-ups. It is a wonder that the private sector is as productive as it is given the tax and regulation load it must carry. The Libertarian Party of Canada would start the process of leaving resources in the private sector where they will be used more effectively, and of replacing government regulation with market regulation which is also more effective.

3 – What is your stance on Canada’s role in the Syrian refugee crisis?

The governments of western countries have been meddling in the affairs of east and middle east countries for over a hundred years. The more recent intrusions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria have killed thousands and laid waste to infrastructure and other productive assets. I know these countries do not have a culture of freedom, but it cannot be forced on people by military intervention. They might adopt their own culture of freedom if foreign governments left them alone and they had peaceful interactions with other countries. It is never a good idea to ask government to solve a problem; they are the problem, not the solution.

We have the right to defend ourselves, but our military has no business being in a foreign land any more than we would want a foreign military in our country. Private individuals or families who have the means and inclination to sponsor refugees should be allowed to do so.

4 – What do you feel the federal government should be doing to support agriculture, especially in years of drought or other environmental disaster?

Agricultural producers are every bit as capable as the operators of other businesses. All businesses face challenges and those who meet those challenges successfully are the ones that survive. Agricultural operations along with other businesses will excel with relief from tax and government regulation and with access to free markets.

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