Accepting the unexpected

Needless to say, it wasn’t what I expected. My maternity leave was supposed to be fun, filled with family outings to events that I, for once, didn’t have to cover.  

But COVID-19 changed that. It changed a lot of things.  

At first, I was disappointed, frustrated, and even angry, as I watched the 12 months I had envisioned slip through my fingertips. I felt robbed of the year off I had longed for.  

Now that I'm looking back, I feel okay about it. Sure, being stuck at home with nowhere to go was the last thing I had in mind as I packed up my desk, ready to bring my son into the world in late March 2020, but it was where I ended up.  

And while I could hold a grudge against the virus that has swept the globe, I won’t. Instead, I will be grateful that I was able to stay home at all. The endless lockdowns meant I could focus on my son. We got creative in our daily activities and thought outside of the box when boredom struck. We spent hours outside hiking, fishing, and camping.  

I realize how lucky I am to be given so much time to be with my family, while mothers in the United States are sending their little ones off to daycare while they return to work at only six weeks postpartum, if that.  

This pandemic has taken a lot from all of us; weddings, funerals, graduations, and yes, maternity leaves, but I think it’s time we stop being so angry about it. Resentment doesn’t change the fact that this is our reality.  

On a less serious note, my dear readers, I want to let you know that I am back. I will be working from home for the most part, so if I ever give you a call be prepared to hear a little laugh in the background as my son, hopefully, plays quietly.  

Keep your fingers crossed for me, it’s going to be a wild ride.  

Meagan MacEachern, Bonnyville Nouvelle

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