Don't limit your exposure

I usually try to share my experiences through socializing, pictures, and writing.

My main motive behind writing down the rewards in exploring new places and especially giving yourself the exposure, is due to people’s constraints on themselves.

The first concern of people, is that we don’t think that we can invest time in ourselves most of the time due to a busy work schedule, family, or the obvious, boredom.

Growing up, I always got the opportunity to see different places because of my parents’ jobs. Personally, I hated this transition because for a kid like me, moving to a new place means a new school, new curriculum, new people, and the amount of effort you need to put into making friends.

Eventually, I had the realization that change is necessary, and with the places that I got to live in, it left me with immense knowledge of people’s attitudes, cultural diversity, language, dialects, and most important of all, I learned to camouflage within the community that I live in and acquire skills.

There are lots of studies on the benefits of exploring new places and what it can do to a human being, both mentally and physically. I would like to explain few of them which benefited me.

Being humble and patient was the ultimate thing that I learned from my experiences. It’s because you’re in a completely alien society and trying to adapt accordingly, which in return, elevates your patience level and your attitude towards people.

Most of my travels were unplanned and a last minute decision. Visiting new places doesn’t necessarily have to do with spending a lot of money staying at exotic hotels and on eye-catching destinations. You can take some time from your weekly schedule to checkout nearby places. It can help your mental health, boost your immune system and learning a new language improves the memory power of the brain.

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