Don’t ridicule, just be happy they voted at all


Now that the federal election is over, and the signs have been yanked out of the ground and stored, we can set our differences aside and move on, right?

One would hope that we could all be grown ups and respect someone’s right to vote for who they choose, and yet, already we’re seeing people online, ridiculing one another for their choice in party.

If there’s one thing that should come out of this editorial, it’s the simple fact that we shouldn’t be bullying each other for who we voted for. Instead, we should be happy that people took the time to vote at all.

It’s our right as Canadians to cast a ballot, and it’s anonymous for a reason.

So instead of asking someone who they voted for, why not give them a pat on the back and thank them for actually taking the time to do it?

After all, we’re given a choice for a reason.

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