Editorial: Christmas wishes

Christmas wish lists are cute. The Season’s Greetings section in our local paper has been a favourite of the POST’s bosses for many years.
“Santa, can you get my mom a butler?”
Love it.
“Dear Santa, I’m sorry I sometimes tell a few little fibs ...”
Every so often, as we read through the scribbles and scratches ... or hopefully the typed word documents kindly transcribed by the teachers who know their kids best ... we catch a few that remind us how precious ... and delicate life is.
In the years we’ve been doing the letters pages we’ve had more than a few youngsters who want nothing more from Santa than to find jobs for their dads, or for their mom to be back with them again, or that a sibling gets better from an illness, or the wish that a grandparent or parent is happy in heaven.
There’s not much more to say about it.
It’s not selfish to want an iPad or an Xbox or a dirt bike. It’s natural to want nice things. Kids who get this stuff aren’t spoiled — they’re taken care of. And that’s what this time of year is all about. Taking care of the wishes of others.
But wouldn’t it be great if instead of the video game console or the phone or motorbike - the wish that comes true for kids fortunate enough to receive them, that instead, a little boy’’s brother doesn’t need to gets to the hospital anymore, or a girl’s dad finally got the job he’s been searching for.
Wishful thinking. T’is the season.
At the very least this year, perhaps Light of Christ kindergarten student Ciarra’s Christmas wish might be a good start.
“Dear Santa: I want everyone to Smile !”

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