In search of something more

Dear Editor,

I’m hoping our town, which includes the churches, can form more groups that accommodate individuals such as myself.

We had a very useful and fun group through Alberta Mental Health. It lasted 20 or 30 years until it was suddenly shut down.

Activities included board games, puzzles, visiting, and having picnics at the lake. There’s nothing like meeting people weekly and getting to know them.

We also had a great scrapbooking group hosted by a local woman. She no longer holds sessions, so that is greatly missed also.

I also enjoyed volunteering when the occasion arose. I would like to volunteer with a partner rather than by myself.

I have very few friends with similar interests anymore and it certainly makes time long and tedious when I’m at home. Most people are absorbed with their own lives.

I have also lost touch with some people either because they have passed away or have gone back and become very busy, or just moved on.

If anyone has suggestions for groups, friendships, or volunteer work, please contact me at

Nobody deserves to be “lost” or without regular company. Do you agree?

Tania Antoniuk

Town of Bonnyville resident

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