Is it 'just right' ... or just right now?

If you think Goldilocks was eaten by the bears, then you probably don’t think the July 1 Open for Summer plan is a good idea.

The Goldilocks and the three bears story is an age-old fairytale written in the 1800s about too much, too little and "just right" — about our never-ending search to find the balance, and how that search can affect people around us.

Fast-forward a couple of centuries and that search continues with the novel coronavirus — it has been the Goldilocks story of the 21st Century. For the last year and a half, we've all spent time trying to find the balance that is just right. We've been on our own modern search for the current equivalents of that ideal bowl of porridge, comfy chair and cozy bed. We've all questioned and tested the information we've found or that has been presented to us: Isolate ... but be mindful of your mental health; Take the first vaccine that's available ... but that AstraZeneca you just got might now need some more research; Disinfect your groceries ... or don't;  Kids don't get as severe a reaction to the coronavirus ... except when they do; Don't gather in large groups ... isolate at home and watch the hockey game that thousands are watching from inside the arena in a neighbouring country partitioned by an invisible border-line just several hundred miles away.

We've all had too many months of trying to find the balance, trying to find the just right bed to lie in. But it's time to wake up now, Goldilocks. According to provincial health and political leaders, the struggle is over. Alberta will Open for Summer on July 1. Restrictions will be lifted, and there will be no more choosing between things that are either good for me or things that are good for you.  It will now be good for all of us. Just right.

Another nice story with a happily-ever-after solution.  The End.

Uhhm... Perhaps don't close the book just yet. 

Goldilocks is a fairytale. And remember, after finding her perfect balance, Goldilocks woke up to the not-so-happy faces of three angry bears. What are we going to find facing us as our Open for Summer story pans out?

There are still so many questions.  How did the bears cook the porridge? Why did mom and dad bear sleep in separate beds? (joking to lighten the tone) ....

There are so many questions and uncertainties about the pandemic still outstanding. Being told that on July 1 'everything will be better' doesn't seem to be the "just right" answer for right now. It might be the answer we need to hear. It is definitely the answer we want to hear.  But is that the way our story will go?

What's the problem with fairytale endings? ... They only seem to happen in fairytales.


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