LaFlamme will be missed but surely not gone

A famous face that filled TV screens for over a decade was recently booted off the airways. Lisa LaFlamme, CTV National News’ anchor, was not only a trusted source for many that led us through local, national and international stories, but an icon nonetheless.  

LaFlamme’s legacy that took over Canada’s number one national broadcast show from Lloyd Robertson in 2011 was a monumental push for female journalists. At a time when a discussion on representation was making headway in the number one time slot, the over 30-year industry titan earned her right while winning her way into the hearts of Canadians.  

Her calm, cool and collected ability to break controversial news was one of the main reasons I went into the field of journalism. Coming from an immigrant family where my parents wanted to stay informed and have their children learn about Canada through a trusted news source, LaFlamme was always playing on our television screens. 

While her dismissal has caused a frenzy about ageism and women in broadcast news being forced out before they are ready because of their appearance, ultimately, I think the blowback is a huge loss for the journalism industry.  

In a world where fake news is rampant and Canadians are looking to stay connected to a trusted source, the loss of her voice will create an impact on the industry, and I don’t think I’m alone when it comes to wondering what the flagship show will become moving forward. 

I don’t want to speculate on the fact that CTV decided to not renew LaFlamme’s contract and that mainstream news is reporting on the companies’ internal and external ramifications of the decision.

Nevertheless, I understand and respect her decision because it wasn’t her choice to leave the show, unlike many of her predecessors. She left gracefully in the best way she could —leaving us with a strong message and firm response. But, I ultimately am saddened that LaFlamme won’t be signing off one last time, although she was granted the opportunity.

I’m sure this won’t be the last we hear from one of Canada’s broadcast icons. 

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