Pay it forward

The other day, someone did something for me that still has me smiling as I write about it.

I was waiting in line for my usual Tim Hortons order, like many of us do to start the day, when I drove up to the window and was rummaging around in my wallet for my debit card.

That's when the employee said, “The guy in front of you paid for your order.”

It made me pause, and I immediately wanted to find the person who had been ahead of me. While I recognized the vehicle (the Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority trucks are pretty distinctive), I couldn’t see who it was. The most I got was a shaded side profile when they paused at the stop sign, but that was it.

I wanted to thank them, but obviously I couldn’t. How could I let someone who had started my day off on such a positive note just go about their day without knowing how much their actions had brightened my day?

Instead of trying to chase them down, I did the next best thing. I paid for the person behind me and went on with my day.

This wasn’t the first time something like this has happened to me, and I don’t think it will be the last. We hear about these sorts of good deeds all the time, and it always warms my heart when I read about it somewhere.

The first person to "pay it forward" was simply being nice and wanted to do a good deed for the day.

During these times, I think we need all the good vibes that we can get. I implore you to go out and do something today to help someone else, even if you think it’s small or insignificant.

It could be bringing in someone else’s garbage can from the curb or shovelling their walkway. You could put some positive messages in your window, or simply wave to people if you see them on a walk. The smallest of gestures could make someone’s day, even if it doesn’t seem huge to you.

I’m not saying you need go out and pay for someone else’s order. I’m simply encouraging you to do something positive for someone else, and not expect anything in return. Just do it for the sake of being a good person, and being a bright spot in a world right now that’s full of darkness.

Robynne Henry, Bonnyville Nouvelle

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