Provincial funding a welcome boost

The Town of Bonnyville recently received provincial funding to help with upgrades towards the pool.

You can almost hear the residents across the region giving a brief and subtle round of applaus.

They’re wondering if it will be enough.

Well the town has been setting aside funding for a reason, so a number of the projects they want to see finished will be done by the time residents are turning their calendars over to 2019.

Recreation is important to this community. It’s obvious by the results of the survey recently conducted by the town.

Although many residents want to see a new pool in the community, it’s important to be grateful for what you do have, instead of focusing on what you don’t.

Yes, the pool is constantly in need of upgrades, but something is better than nothing.

There are dozens of communities that can’t afford a facility half as good as the one here, so it’s important to keep that in mind as you show off you perfect cannon ball.

No, it might not be shiny and new, but it does what it needs to, and really, what difference does it make if kids have a place to swim and call their own?

There are changs in the future, all you have to do is be patient.

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