Recycling a savings for environment and ratepayers

To the Editor:

As of April 1, 2011, the Town of St. Paul recycling program will be a joke. The Town of St. Paul CAO Ron Boisvert states there is no market for plastics, glass and tin. He also wants to be upfront with the public about the fact these items may end up in our landfill. Glass and tin are both inert waste and do not change their physical state, to where they will contaminate our groundwater. What the Town needs to understand is separating these two heavy items from our household waste is a cost saving of $45 per tonne. Having the waste disposed in the municipal waste cells versus the inert waste cell represents a cost saving to ratepayers. The Town has decided to landfill our glass and tin at the expense to both the environment and County and Town ratepayers.

First we must understand by separating the inert waste from our household waste and landfilling it in the appropriate cell has a huge savings of $60 versus $15. I do understand the best option is to first recycle. The Town must provide the service and with due diligence, dispose of the waste with the environment and taxpayers in mind.

Rob Tomlinson

County of St. Paul

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