Remembering why we need them

Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes, but regardless of it all there is one thing they have in common: they’re needed in a community.

Volunteers are responsible for programs like minor sports. You know the coaches that stood on the benches cheering your little player on during every game? Yep, they’re a volunteer.

Or how about the women who organize camping trips for the Girl Guides? Yep, them too.

There are even volunteers at the Bonnyville SPCA, Fine Arts Society, library, FCSS, Search and Rescue, the list goes on.

Volunteers have their hands in literally everything in this community, and it’s important that we take a moment to recognize them for what they do.

They spend countless hours working with others just like them to make our events, and even fundraising efforts possible.

Thank you to all of the volunteers for everthing they do, across the Lakeland and beyond.

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