Run for right reasons

The upcoming Monday marks an important date for citizens across Alberta, as it is nomination day, in advance of October’s general elections for towns, counties/MDs, and school boards.

People may not pay attention to what happens in municipal politics as much as they do on a provincial or federal scale, but they do notice the impact of these decisions all around them – what’s on their tax bills, of course, but also residential/commercial/industrial development or infrastructure improvements or new bylaws, etc., and for school boards, decisions surrounding the education and safety of our children.

It’s not an easy job – elected officials don’t get evenings and weekends off. Rather, they are on call all the time, whether it means attending a ribbon cutting or a meeting, or to answer a citizen’s call in the middle of their family’s dinner. Often, councillors and trustees have full-time work, juggling both responsibilities in order to serve the public.

But these burdens are not seen so clearly by the casual observer. It’s easier to watch from the sidelines, certainly, and remark on what could be done better, or what could have been done with the benefit of hindsight.

It’s clear from listening to pre-election talk that there are people who feel that change is needed at council tables, which is prompting some to run.

But those who are thinking of running need to think less about what incumbents are doing wrong, but rather, what they can do right. If you are among those considering running, ask yourself - what do you bring to the table? Are you knowledgeable about local issues? Do you have the time and energy to devote yourself to the role? Are you ready to work cooperatively with a team of people to talk, debate and question, to come to the best possible decisions? Do you have the wherewithal to make tough or unpopular decisions and to defend those decisions when people question you and your judgment? You will likely make mistakes, as we all do, but can you admit when you do, and strive to learn and do better?

If we are fortunate to have several people who fit that bill step up to run in this Oct. 16 elections, we, as citizens, will be fortunate indeed.

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