Speak out against recycling changes

To the Editor:

I really feel that something needs to be done about the recycling changes here in St. Paul. There were many troubling concerns raised in the article in the Journal regarding this issue:

It seems that the Town has not been honest about the process regarding recycling. How long have recyclables been going to the landfill? This is a serious issue of government transparency (or lack thereof).

According to the article, the town no longer recycles paper at the schools, no longer seeks different sources to market the materials and no longer provides access for people in town or with special needs. Apparently, Allied Paper is the only company the Town of St. Paul is dealing with regarding recycling. It is a small wonder they can't find a market for plastic, glass and tin.

I believe this community is taking a huge step backwards with these changes. Government is not simply about balancing the budget - it should be about making positive changes that help its people, land and environment. If you agree with me, contact the paper or contact the town. This is democracy; we can have an effect.

Shane Larmand

St. Paul

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