Urban people intend to 'destroy municipalities' says resident

I read a letter about garbage in ditches, I read whining about driving ATVs, and I read about garbage dumps.

I have lived in Cold Lake for about 25 years but was raised on a farm and my dad was a councillor for 40-plus years in Saskatchewan.

The urban people of Cold Lake, Bonnyville and St. Paul have banded together with the intent to destroy municipalities and take the money. They have dubbed it 'complete community'.

I guess from the letters, you people think that's a good idea – farmers should pay for the gross mismanagement of towns.

Municipalities are not an it. They are farmers banded together with a common cause to help each other. They are loyal, very hard workers who are very frugal because there will be hard times and NOBODY is going to help them but themselves.

A personality trait they have is that they also feel a civic duty – a trait that I now think is a detriment because everybody thinks they DESERVE a piece of their savings. All I see that they get is grief and more hands thrust out and demands. Little thanks and very short memories.

Towns don't put money into municipalities and they don't provide services. They will not run sewer and water to all farmyards, collect garbage, maintain and repair roads or anything else.

Don't like seeing garbage? GET OUT AND PICK SOME UP! Maybe you'll set an example. How about making delinquents, thieves and drug dealers do something useful? An MD should "hire crews"? Did a farmer make the mess? Not bloody likely. It was selfish, arrogant townies.

Garbage dump? It probably doesn't have farmers' garbage. You want your filth hidden. Somebody is going to be unhappy.

I don't even know what to say about the ATVs.

Grow up people! Take responsibility! Do something useful! Quit expecting other people to pick up after you, pay for you, do for you!

The NERVE you have to be complaining when these people try to do things for you is outrageous! There is no law to make them do a lot that they do to support clubs, societies and more.

Bet you were fun to have on sports teams and school functions!

I am sick of the entitled attitude of the baby boomers and their spawn.

How many of you have done a REALLY HARD day's work, much made it your life?

How many of you will even shovel an old person's walk instead of tsk'ing and saying somebody should do something about that before they hurt themselves?

Everyone who knows the problems farmers face should be outraged at the union of the towns and disgusted at petty complaints.

Farmers will help you when you're down, they will help you rebuild. Will you even help someone in your own neighbourhood?

There will be no whining anymore because there will be NO MONEY anywhere. Don't blame the farmers, blame yourselves.

Put a stop to it before everyone is ruined.

Christine Williams

Cold Lake resident

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