What were they thinking?

Re: Contentious land sale

Let it be known that I have no problem with an Islamist Society or any other religion building a house of worship… on land they purchased at fair market value. This is NOT an issue of race or religion.

My problem is with MD council giving the society the land out of municipal reserve and at 10 per cent of the value with no specifications or conditions that they even use it to build a mosque. Whether they sell the land and use the money to buy land somewhere else… or build a mosque on the site… it is still wrong. What were ya thinking?

Mr. Rondeau, an article in the local paper says that you view the discounted land sale the same as you would a land sale to other “community groups.” News flash… this is not a community group… it is a religious group! A community is comprised of diverse religions, atheists and agnostics. The Islamist Society does not fit this description. And in this case is comprised of people who do not even pay taxes to the MD of Bonnyville!

Are you prepared to give land at the same discount and with no conditions to all the religious groups who may approach you? That could mobilize a great number of people!

To the reeve and the councillors who voted for this, I ask.... please stop this madness or be prepared to deal with any and all societies that are, and ever will be, formed. What is done for one should be done for all and this is a very dangerous precedent!

Then again… this could solve the problem of seniors retiring and not having enough set aside for pensions… just get land for $10,000 and sell it for $100,000. Hmmmmm. I wonder if there is enough MD reserve land to go around?

Marie Ilchuk

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