MD hosting recreation park open house

The MD of Bonnyville is hosting a feasibility study open house for a new park. Among the suggestions to include are ball diamonds.

The MD of Bonnyville is continuing to make recreation a priority, and are asking residents for feedback to make sure they get it right.

The MD is hosting an open house to get input about a multi-purpose outdoor recreation park on Monday, March 4 at the Shaw House from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

During their recreation needs assessment last year, the municipality learned the top priority for residents when it comes to indoor facilities was a pool. In terms of outdoor projects, people highlighted boat launches, campgrounds, and trails. It also included a multi-purpose outdoor recreation park, an idea the municipality has decided to explore.

According to Chris McCord, director of parks and recreation, the MD “decided to go ahead with doing the feasibility study on that recreation concept.”

The proposed location for the park is near Hwy. 28 and Twp. Road 611B, just across the street from Vezeau Beach. Some amenities that could be featured are ball diamonds, sports fields, sports courts, camping, playing spaces, and open fields.

Reeve Greg Sawchuk encouraged everyone to learn more about the project and add their feedback.

“The more folks that come out and give their opinion, it will help to sway the conversation for sure, and it may change the plan, as well.”

Along with McCord, representatives from RC Strategies+Perc, the Edmonton-based recreation planning company conducting the feasibility study, will be there to share a concept they’ve developed and answer any questions.

“It’s a really great opportunity for people to come, chat with us, and express their thoughts on this potential expansion for the whole area,” McCord said.

She continued, “This is the chance (for residents) if they have any thoughts at all, by any means. We want to hear it from you, not only the people who would be playing on those fields and using them, but anybody that would be affected by it in an economic developmental way. Business owners would be interested in it because this can really have a trickle down effect, and people living in the area, too.”

As part of the initial stages, the MD is looking at what other municipalities have done in their communities.

“They’re going to look at... (other areas) as far as the number of fields compared to the number of groups, and not only the number of groups, but the number of participants in those groups. Then, they will present some different (operating) modelling costs... to us,” McCord explained.

Sawchuk stressed the importance hosting an open house when it comes to community-orientated projects.

“We’re trying to have a lot of these in regards to recreation to make sure that we get it right the first time. People have the chance to come out, have their say, give their input, and perhaps modify the ideas.”

Once the information from the open house is gathered, it will be presented to council and they will discuss what their next steps will be.

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