Don’t forget to check your carbon monoxide detector

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KEHEWIN – A false alarm for a sounding carbon monoxide (CO) detector led paramedics and firefighters from the Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority to attend a private residence.  

The call is a reminder for residents to routinely check their detectors. 

On Nov. 16, Station 5 Bonnyville and EMS responded to a carbon monoxide alarm at a residence in Kehewin Cree Nation at 2 p.m. 

“It turned out to be a faulty CO detector,” Regional Fire Chief Dan Heney told Lakeland This Week

The hazards of carbon monoxide, a poisonous, tasteless, colourless and odourless gas, are extreme. 

A brief exposure to small amounts of carbon monoxide may cause headache, flushing, nausea, dizziness, vertigo or muscle pain, according to ATCO Gas. 

Exposure to higher amounts may cause movement problems, weakness, confusion, lung and heart problems, loss of consciousness and even death. 

Having a CO detector is recommended for all households. However, it is important to pay attention to the replacement dates on the back of the device, stated Heney. 

It is also imperative that CO detectors are installed according to the manufacturers’ recommendations. 

Carbon monoxide can enter a home through improperly operating natural gas appliances including furnaces, hot water heaters, dryers, ranges and fireplaces, notes ATCO. 

Deputy Fire Chief Alicia Krawchuk added, “Residents who have alarms monitored by alarm companies should ensure contact information is correct and up to date.” 

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