Enhancing access to healthcare

Alicia Fox, northeast zone community consultant for RhPAP, made a presentation to MD of Bonnyville council on Nov. 6.

Alberta’s Rural Health Professions Action Plans (RhPAP) is hoping to join forces with local municipalities with the goal of attracting healthcare professionals.

Representatives from the provincial not-for-profit met with MD of Bonnyville council during their Nov. 5 meeting to explain what the group has to offer.

“We have a strategy to attract and retain health professionals, and many of these you’ll see within your attraction and retention, or in your case, the doctor recruitment committee. These strategies we come equipped with and we can help support you in your efforts there,” explained Alicia Fox, rural community consultant for RhPAP.

RhPAP also has initiatives that target medical students, and making the transition to a rural area easier.

“We also offer accommodations to students who are coming in as practicum students or they’re doing their residencies, we have accommodations all across Alberta. We do provide continuing education for healthcare professionals, as well as local support, and we do serve as your voice across many different platforms.”

Originally formed in 1991 as the Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan, RhPAP is a collaborative partner and advocate for improving rural access to healthcare. They’re a not-for-profit, funded by the Alberta Ministry of Health.

One way they assist with attracting professionals is through learning events and activities for high school and university students.

“The idea here is even if they have lived in a rural environment, we want them to really rethink rural,” Fox detailed. “What can that give to them? What can it provide them within their lifestyle, as well as their career options and some of the things they may not have thought of. Some of these students that are coming in have never experienced rural, and so they’re going, ‘oh, it’s just rural and nobody has anything out there.’ But, they come out and they see all of these things and they go, ‘wow, I can really see myself living here.’”

According to Fox, Bonnyville hosted an event for post-secondary students in 2016, and another one is in the works for March 2020.

This initiative is one of the ways RhPAP is encouraging municipalities to attract and retain doctors and nurses.

“Attraction is really focusing on supporting the healthcare professionals, and how professionals become invested in the community as they’re coming in. It’s highlighting and showcasing the best parts,” Fox expressed. “Retention is focusing on the ongoing efforts, supported by formal and informal recognition of these existing (practices). It’s continuing, and it’s a continuum. It isn’t a singular event, it’s something that’s long-term and something you might not see results in tomorrow, but you might see them in five or 10 years.”

Bonnyville, along with 12 other municipalities, was included in a study conducted by RhPAP on attracting and retaining healthcare professionals.

“What we did is we looked at what really made communities successful in attraction and retention, and I do hear that Bonnyville is still having some challenges there. We understand that, and we also wanted to focus on some of the things Bonnyville is doing correctly here,” Fox said.

RhPAP determined the success rate of those involved through integration, spousal support, community connections, professional integration, and work-life balance.

“(Participants from Bonnyville) mentioned the collaborative work between the town, county, and physicians, the open door relationships, and very good communication,” Fox detailed. “They had mentioned the important work of the (doctor recruitment) committee in place, and how much that was appreciated. I know that (the MD) sits on that and supports that as well, and that’s a really great foundation on which Bonnyville can continue to grow.”

Fox hoped her presentation sparked conversations for council on ways RhPAP can assist them.

“If your community wants me to come back, and bring some information, I’m happy to do that.”

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