MD road contruction in full swing

MD crews continue road construction in Ardmore

Road crews are scattered throughout the MD of Bonnyville doing a variety of road construction and oiling with workers set to complete projects on over 66.1 miles (106 kilometers) of MD roads.

The summer months have and will see over 20 miles of municipal road construction, over 29 miles of road oiling, 17 miles of rip and relay of cold mix, 9.5 miles of pavement overlay and over 37 miles of roads received MG30 dust suppressant.

The biggest project will be four miles of Township Road (TWR) 602 from Highway 897 west to Range Road (RR) 440. This “reclamation project” tops the list of road priorities for Ward 1, according to Coun. Don Sinclair. Soft spots will be patched up, drainage issues will be addressed and the shoulders of the road will be firmed up.

Ward 1 construction also includes: two miles of TWR 604A between Highway 659 and RR 452; over one mile of TWR 603 between RR 420 and RR 415; half a mile of RR 454 between TWR 603 and TWR 604; half a mile of TWR 615A east of Highway 892 and a quarter mile of TWR 610 west of RR 434.

Four miles of TWR 613 from RR 444 to RR 452 will receive a layer of cold mix asphalt.

The least amount of work will be done in Ward 2 with only 4 miles of road receiving work. Two miles in Fontaine subdivision and two miles in Evergreen and Moose Lake subdivisions will be ripped up and receive a pavement overlay.

Ward 3 will have had over three miles of construction done by the end of summer with range roads 485 and 481 the main targets. Two miles of RR 485 between TWR 622 and TWR 452 will be redone once crews finish carryover work from 2013. A mile of RR 481 from TWR 611 to TWR 610 and a hundred meters on RR 473 needed to be finished.

Over six miles of Ward 3 roads will receive a new coat of oil. These roads include: two miles of TWR 590 from RR 474 to RR 472; two miles of RR 480 from Highway 660 to TWR 610; a mile of TWR 610 from RR 482 to RR 481; a mile of RR 482 from TWR 600 to TWR 601 and a quarter mile of RR 482 south of TWR 604.

Three miles of TWR 624 from Highway 881 into Goodridge will also be ripped up and receive a pavement overlay.

Controversy has surrounded the construction projects in Ward 4 as MD administration tried to push through the seven-mile Wolf Lake Road re-alignment project. As it stands the project has hit a roadblock and won't be constructed any time soon.

A mile of RR 453 from TWR 621 to TWR 622 will be redone, along with a three-quarter mile stretch of Lessard road south of Highway 55.

Two of the largest road oiling projects are also located in Ward 4. Four miles of TWR 620 from Highway 41 to RR 464 and three miles of TWR 634 between RR 463 and RR 470 will both receive their first coat of oil.

New asphalt will be laid on a 3.5 mile stretch of TWR 634A from La Corey north to TWR 640 and a two mile section of TWR 622 between Highway 41 and RR 654 will be ripped up and given a pavement overlay.

The largest construction project in the MD this summer will be the reconstruction of 3.25 miles of Crane Lake road from Highway 55 to TWR 640. The project has been contracted out and will cost over $2.8 million to complete.

Ward 5 will also see 1.5 miles of TWR 622 from Highway 28 to RR 433 reconstructed.

This ward will also get the most road oiling done, with over 13 miles scheduled to receive their first coat of oil. This road-oiling list includes: five miles of TWR 635 from Highway 892 to RR 450; three miles of TWR 630 between RR 450 to RR 443; three miles of RR 435 from Highway 28 to TWR 624; two miles of TWR 643A from Highway 897 to the Ethel Lake campground; and half a mile of RR 433 south of Highway 55.

Three miles of Ward 5 roads will be getting new asphalt. This includes two miles of TWR 634 between RR 432 and RR 434 and a mile of RR 432 from Highway 55 to TWR 632. Half a mile of 48th street in Ardmore is also set to get ripped up and receive a pavement overlay.

There is only a small amount of work scheduled for Ward 6 near Cold Lake. A 1.5-mile section of TWR 624 east of Highway 28 will be redone. This same road is also on the oiling list as a 2.5-mile section of TWR 624 from the golf course east to RR 414 will receive a coat of oil.

Over six miles of roads in Ward 6 will be getting new asphalt. Three miles of TWR 630 and 3.5 miles of TWR 640 west of Cold Lake will be getting a layer of cold mix.

Over 37 miles of roads throughout the MD will be receiving a first spray of MG30 dust suppressant. The past two years have seen over 314 miles of roads receive a coat of MG30 or MG60, those roads will be getting a second or third coat this year, along with the new roads.

Ward 1 will see 5.5 miles of roads receive MG30. These roads include: two miles of RR 422 south of Highway 659 to TWR 604; a mile and a half of RR 451 between TWR 615 and 620; a mile of TWR 614 from RR 443 to RR 443; one mile of TWR 604 between RR 442 and RR 443 and a mile of RR421 south of TWR 604.

Over 13 miles of roads will be getting a layer of MG30 in Ward 3. The list includes: three miles of TWR 604 between RR 491 and Highway 882; over two miles of RR 485A south of Highway 55 to TWR 632; two miles of RR 485 between RR 622 and TWR 624; two miles of RR 495 between TWR 630 and TWR 632; 1.5 miles of RR 484 near TWR 594; 1.5 miles of TWR 605 from RR 481 to RR 475A; a another half mile south of Highway 660 and a half mile of RR 492 north of TWR 630.

A total of 7.5 miles of roads in Ward 4 will be receiving dust suppressant. These roads include: 3.5 miles of RR 453 south of Highway 55 to TWR 624A; two miles of RR 454 from Highway 55 south to TWR 630; one mile of RR 451 north of Highway 55 and one mile of RR 451 between TWR 622 and TWR 624.

Ward 5 will see 8.5 miles of road sprayed with MG30 with the following roads receiving the dust suppressant: two miles of TWR 635 from RR 444 to RR 450; two miles of RR451 between TWR 622 and TWR624; two miles of RR 442 between 1.5 miles of RR 450 between TWR 631 and Highway 55 and one mile of TWR 623 from RR 433 and RR434.

The smallest amount of MG30 will be sprayed in Ward 6 with a mile of TWR 632 between RR 423 and RR 424 and a half-mile of TWR 614 between RR 422 and Highway 897.

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