PC leader hopefuls address Land Use Framework

The Land Use Framework, the Land Stewardship Act, and property rights were hot topics at the first all-candidate Progressive Conservative leadership forum on July 21 in Vermilion. Many audience-submitted questions were related to the topic and their associated pieces of legislation that the candidates were asked simply to state their positions and opinions on them, rather than answer each question individually.

The only candidate who came up publicly in favour of the entirety of the new legislation was Ted Morton, who opened the discussion by claiming, “the property rights campaign is basically a scare campaign being run and financed by the Wildrose Party,” and the legislation ensures the protection of property rights.

He added the Land Stewardship Act was essential to the future of the province, to ensure the protection of the “clean, green, and healthy Alberta that we all love” as population growth within the province continues to grow.

“What worked before will not work anymore,” he said. “There are more and more people doing more and more things.”

The other candidates were less extensive in their defence of the province's process in developing the Land Use Framework and Land Stewardship Act.

Doug Griffiths maintained the primary concern with the legislation was the protection of property rights, and Alison Redford agreed, saying with some amendments to the legislation, Albertans can get behind it, so long as their property rights are protected.

“If we can deal with compensation, access to the courts, and the definition of consultation,” she said, “Albertans can be prepared to support the venture of this, so that's what we need to do.”

After the forum, Griffiths further explained his views on the legislation when asked if he would consider reviewing the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan's (LARP) boundary and its inclusion of the Bonnyville area, an idea some critics are in favour of.

“These have to be living, breathing documents that can be fluid,” he explained. “You always have to have the opportunity, if you made a mistake, to back up, and it doesn't matter how many times you try for perfection. There will always be some imperfections that need to be fixed. It's human nature. I think it (the boundary) could be reconsidered if people were that adamant.”

Rick Orman took it even further during the forum, claiming though the intentions behind the legislation were sound, the process was flawed.

“I've decided to blow it up,” he said after the forum, in regards to LARP. “As I said in my comments, the intent was sound but the process was flawed, and everybody's mad, so in that case, you've just got to put a bullet in its head and start over.”

Gary Mar's comments, though less violent, were similar. During the forum, he said, “It is a situation where you have to do more work upfront before you put the legislation forward for passage. You don't put the legislation into play and then ask for permission after. I support many of the principles of these pieces of legislation for the reasons that others have supported, but there are too many unresolved issues.”

After the forum, he added if he were premier, he would ensure people affected by the legislation and the boundaries drawn up within them were canvassed so the government had a better understanding of how they felt and were affected by it.

“I'd be happy to sit down with people and listen to what they have to say about it,” he said.

Doug Horner addressed LARP after the forum, saying, “We need to get all of the maps done for all of the watersheds before you start doing the regulatory and implementation of the plans. I think it's important that Albertans get an opportunity to see what the impact is on the whole province and then you can address things like boundaries.

“If we wait and do it, the world isn't going to end ... Let's take our time and get it done right.”

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