Chamber president will talk about his criminal past

A meeting scheduled between newly acclaimed Chamber of Commerce president Doug Lomow and executive members of the organization has been postponed until next Thursday night due to Lomow's busy work schedule and weather-related delays. It is expected that the president and the executive will pick a day for a membership-wide meeting to discuss the organizations future and the future of its leadership.
Newly acclaimed Lac La Biche and District Chamber of Commerce President has a criminal past that recently came back to the present.

Lac La Biche and District Chamber of Commerce President Doug Lomow has no problem admitting he spent five and a half years in a US prison after being convicted in 1999 of fraud and conspiracy in what federal grand jury documents say was a $3 million business scam.

What he does have a problem with is the backlash he may now face because of those years behind bars, and what he feels is misinformation about the details of his past. Lomow told the POST he fears that some people's perceptions of his criminal history will affect his desire to move on with his life in a community he would like to call home — and continue with his role as the region's business leader.
"I want to have a nice, happy life. I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't want to get in anybody's way. I want to help people," said Lomow, who moved to Lac La Biche last May and was acclaimed as the chamber's president at the organization's annual general meeting last November. "I want to retire and die in this community."

Lomow says he isn't trying to hide any of his troubled past, most of which can be found in court documents and media stories found by a simple Google search of his name.
"I am often asked about it and I always candidly and honestly discuss the facts with anyone open-mined and seriously interested in knowing them. Just ask," he said.

Questions to Lomow and about the chamber's future could come sooner than later as Chamber officials are planning to hold a general meeting of all Chamber of Commerce members to discuss and determine the future direction of the organization and its leadership.

While executive members of the chamber have met several times this last week in private meetings, they are not officially commenting until after they meet with Lomow — who has been out of the area with his consulting company, working in northern Alberta for the last week. They are expected to meet at a closed-door executive meeting next Wednesday night.
It is anticipated that a date for a general membership meeting will be set at that meeting.
If the executive board members decide to hold the meeting, Lomow said he hopes to tell the community of his accomplishments so far and the plans for the future — and he is prepared to talk abou this past — if the audience is sincere.
"If they are genuinely concerned and they are genuinely interested. If I get a sense that they really want to know ... If I get that sense, I would share all of it."

Check the POST's facebook page and for updates on the public meeting.

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