Festival of Trees handing out cheques

From Left to Right Back Row: Heather Dempsey (Aurora Choir and Aurora Lighting Bells), Elli Bergeron (Bergeron Family: Home Schooled Students), Erin Shulko (Aurora Band), Matt White (Drama Program), (TWO PEOPLE HERE), Jill Toutant (JAWS Grad Parents), April-Dawn Fabro (Chairperson at Kids Are Worth It Nutrition Program), Carol St. Jean (LLB Lion’s Club), Nicole Brisson (Light of Christ School), Tialandis Guinand (First Lakeland Scouts), Rae Boisvert (Board of Director, Little Sprouts Daycare), Natasha Downes (LLB Borreal Explorer Junior Warden Club), (PERSON HERE), Corbin and Easton Downes (LLB Lacrosse) Middle Row: Sandy Makokis (LLB Art Club), Leslie Burrell (LLB Art Club), (TWO PEOPLE) Rachelle Lemay (Plamondon’s Seniors Quilters), Mandi Gosselin (Vera M. Welsh Parent Council), Madison Gawryletz (First Lakeland Scouts), Mallory Peterson (Special Olympics), Front Row: Rick Flumian (LLB Gymnastics Society and LLB Lacrosse), Elisha Sturgess (LLB Lacrosse), Emarie, Caytlin and Thor Hunka (LLB Lacrosse), Ron Cofer (Special Olympics) Names I don’t know: Annick Marchand Ten-Meas (Ecole St. Catherines School), (Music Program Ecole Plamondon - Couldn’t read name), Maddy Thom (J.A. Williams Highschool), Robin Mandel (LLB Borreal Explorer Junior Warden Club), Nick Brown (LLB Lacrosse), Laura Toutant (LLB Soccer), Carmen Elliott (PAL)

The Festival of Trees organizing committee gave out their donations on February 20. People from organizations, charities, and schools gathered at the Bold Center — just a few dozen feet from the Christmas-time annual tree raffle that generates the funds to give to the groups. The total amount dished back to the community groups was $39,750. 

“The only way we get money is through our tree tickets, and also when someone donates or sponsors us,” says Pat Boon Anderson, one of the Founders of the Festival of Trees. “We sold about $40,000 in tickets this year.”

The Festival of Trees is one of the areas's largest festive events, wtih an estimated 7,000 people in attendance last year. Along with the decorative tree raffle, the weekend offers children's games, showcase displays of local organizations, local musicians, concessions and a home-business show. Over the course of two days, the Festival of Trees raised a whopping $59,000.

The original goal, and what started the Festival of Trees, was to be able to raise money to help children in the community.

“We are trying to promote music and art, for example, Ecole Plamondon School asked for money because they are trying to start up a drama program. That’s a big thing for kids, so we donated to them. We think it’s important to promote culture and the arts,” says Boon-Anderson. 

The biggest donation of the night was to the Kids Are Worth It Nutrition Program. The Festival of Trees donation covered the costs of healthy food and snacks for students at Vera M. Welsh, Aurora Middle School, and J.A. Williams High School. The donation was $10,000, and this will help students and families that are not able to afford food. 

“You would be surprised how many kids go to school hungry and they never complain, they keep quiet. They have no breakfast, they have no dinner, and they are sitting there hungry watching everybody else eat,” says Carol St. Jean, the president of the lcoal Lion’s Club and the treasurer of the Festival committee. 

Being able to pay for healthy meals for students is a proud moment for Boon-Anderson and the Festival of Trees organizing committee, and is one that keeps her motivated to make the next Festival of Trees even bigger.

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