Co-op pharmacy in St. Paul temporarily closed

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ST. PAUL - The Co-op Pharmacy is temporarily closed following a positive COVID-19 test result by an employee in the department.

"Yesterday (Jan. 13), a Cornerstone Co-op team member at the St. Paul Food Store Pharmacy reported a COVID-19 positive result and is at home isolating while awaiting recovery," according to an update from Graham Getz, general manager of Cornerstone Co-op. He added, "We worked with AHS (Alberta Health Services) contact tracers to reach out to all team members who may have been in close contact."

The pharmacy is closed as affected team members isolate and receive tests, but has plans for a safe reopening.

Cornerstone Co-op has been releasing information throughout the pandemic when employees test positive.

"From previous occurrences, all but two of our teammates have recovered and are safely integrated back to normal work duties," said Getz.

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