Figure skaters show off their skills at St. Paul fun-meet

ST. PAUL - Figure skaters from across the region gathered at the Clancy Richard Arena in St. Paul on March 11 to show off the skills they have been practicing on the ice.

The St. Paul Figure Skating Club held a fun-meet throughout the day, last Saturday, which is a small competition for young skaters. Skaters perform a list of skills they have learned or programs they have practiced, over the past season.

"For example, our Canskaters performed skills they learned this year and are judged on how well they perform them," explains skating instructor Jazz Smyl-Joly. Skaters are awarded silver if their performance meets the various judging standards, bronze if the element does not meet the standards, and gold if it surpasses the judging standards.

"This allows all new skaters to have a safe and fun environment to be introduced to performance or competition-like events," says Smyl-Joly "It was also our club's way of showcasing our skaters and everything they have learned over the past season."

Other Clubs from the area also participated and the turnout of other club skaters was exciting to see. Skaters from St. Paul, Elk Point, Bonnyville, and Cold Lake took part in the fun-meet.

A total of 94 skaters took part in the day, which included 47 skaters from St. Paul, 24 from Bonnyville, 15 from Cold Lake and eight from Elk Point. 

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