Museum Open House

Jody John danced during the St. Paul museum’s open house, held on June 10.

Another summer marks a new season for the Musée St. Paul Museum. The organization held an open house June 10, featuring food, live music, and the museum's newest displays.

Some viewers felt the dancing bug bite when Rolly Poitras and his band took the stage, as their up-tempo jams sparked all generations and couples to move along to the music.

The museum also brought in a Hoop Dancer, Jody John, who performed a ceremony for the crowd.

"It's a story telling dance, and I was invited from the museum to come out and dance for the open house," John said.

"We're very grateful to have the hoop dancers here. It brought in a lot of First Nations people and it's nice to see more of the community getting involved," museum director Clem Fontaine said during the afternoon event.

The guest book was pages long, with one couple coming in from as far as Athabasca.

"There's a few changes . . .. We have a really fancy cast iron stove that comes from the Lafond area. There's a display on all the chores that the ladies had to do in those days. For everything else, (people) will have to come see for themselves," said Fontaine.

Over 250 people took part in the open house. The museum is open daily from the end of June to Labour Day weekend from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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