According to Mayor Ernie Isley, 2011 was a successful year for growth in Bonnyville and 2012 should continue the trend.
Looking back on 2011, Isley said there were significant improvements in town in terms of buildings and infrastructure, particularly with the completion of the RCMP building, and in the Gateway subdivision, where infrastructure has been completed and three private-sector buildings were erected.
“There were some pretty good improvements on main street between Value Drug Mart and the new MD (of Bonnyville) building,” Isley added, also mentioning the progress on the 54 St. project.
“All the underground work is done and it's out for tender for completion this coming summer,” he said. “That will give us an industrial-quality paved road from Tim Hortons straight west and then south past the Neighbourhood Inn.”
Isley said he would like to see continued growth in the Gateway subdivision in 2012, as well was development to the north and east of the Centennial Centre, and he anticipates there will be at least two new residential growth developments in the area.
The added growth does put more pressure on the local job market, pressure which Isley foresees as being a problem in 2012, as it was in 2011.
“The biggest concern that employers in the area will face going into 2012 is the lack of workers,” he explained. “The growth opportunities appear to be continuing, the demand for new employees — ie. the creation of new jobs — appears that it will be very strong, so I would say the major concern will end up lack of properly-filled employment.”