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Eager to join Bonnyville community

Eager to join Bonnyville community

Kieran Fong, a recent journalism graduate from MacEwan University, is the newest Bonnyville Nouvelle reporter.
What's in your budget?

What's in your budget?

It's municipal budget time - do you know where your money is?
COMMENT: The wonders of winter

COMMENT: The wonders of winter

Winter is the season that is universally loathed amongst Canadians, yet is as much of a part of our national identify as the Mounties, maple syrup, hockey, and Wayne Gretzky.
Brave new world... on Channel 246. What else is on?

Brave new world... on Channel 246. What else is on?

Is it just me, or is modern Western society saturated in 24-hour entertainment, a lot of which is mindless and serves no genuine or educational purpose? To many, this may appear as a rhetorical question, while to others, endless entertainment is some
OPINION: These are the voyages

OPINION: These are the voyages

Whether it’s reading comic books or novels, or watching films, I have always been a huge fan of science fiction.
Take off the blur

Take off the blur

Images remain — blurred outlines are forgotten
Back at the Ranch: Tricks, treats and decades of Halloween fun

Back at the Ranch: Tricks, treats and decades of Halloween fun

Halloween has always been part of my life, even if my mother was morally opposed to trick-or-treating.
Drive carefully

Drive carefully

The snow is down across the Lakeland, but statistics show that some residents won’t be around to see it melt in the spring.
First third of autumn already gone

First third of autumn already gone

We are now just over a third of the way through autumn, and for the majority of it, we have been blessed with beautiful weather – blue skies, bright sun, and while they remained on the trees, bright coloured leaves that made our part of the wor
Fire prevention much different now than in earlier times

Fire prevention much different now than in earlier times

Back at the Ranch: It’s Fire Prevention Week, and it seems to me that people are learning some much different ways not to see what they love go up in smoke than the ways we depended more than half a century or more ago.
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