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Winfrey reversed upcoming book selection after controversy

Winfrey reversed upcoming book selection after controversy

NEW YORK — Oprah Winfrey reversed her book club selection of Kate Elizabeth Russell’s upcoming “My Dark Vanessa” after the novel was briefly the subject of online controversy, a spokeswoman confirmed Thursday.
'Simple greed': Ex-UAW leader Jones charged with corruption

'Simple greed': Ex-UAW leader Jones charged with corruption

DETROIT — Prosecutors on Thursday charged the former president of the United Auto Workers with corruption, alleging he plotted with others to embezzle more than $1 million to splurge on private villas, golf outings, boozy meals and horseback rides on
Warren ends presidential campaign, centring race on 2 men

Warren ends presidential campaign, centring race on 2 men

WASHINGTON — Elizabeth Warren ended her once-promising presidential campaign on Thursday after failing to finish higher than third place in any of the 18 states that have voted so far.
Bethlehem's storied Nativity Church closes amid virus fears

Bethlehem's storied Nativity Church closes amid virus fears

BETHLEHEM, Palestinian Territory — Palestinian officials on Thursday closed the storied Church of the Nativity in the biblical city of Bethlehem indefinitely over fears of the new coronavirus, weeks ahead of the busy Easter holiday season.
North Carolina woman goes to jail for 100th birthday

North Carolina woman goes to jail for 100th birthday

ROXBORO, N.C. — For her 100th birthday, Ruth Bryant crossed a significant item off her bucket list. She went to jail.
R. Kelly pleads not guilty; feds say new charges planned

R. Kelly pleads not guilty; feds say new charges planned

CHICAGO — R&B singer R.
Israel's Netanyahu falls short of parliamentary majority

Israel's Netanyahu falls short of parliamentary majority

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has again fallen short of a parliamentary majority with his hard-line allies, final election results confirmed Thursday, extending the country's year-old political deadlock and weakening the longt
OPEC calls for big production cut, but will Russia agree?

OPEC calls for big production cut, but will Russia agree?

VIENNA — The OPEC oil cartel is calling for a deep production cut to keep crude prices from falling further as disruption to global business from the coronavirus slashes demand from air travel and industry.
China-made phones, tablets tainted by coerced Uighur labour

China-made phones, tablets tainted by coerced Uighur labour

NANCHANG, China — In a lively Muslim quarter of Nanchang city, a sprawling Chinese factory turns out computer screens, cameras and fingerprint scanners for a supplier to international tech giants such as Apple and Lenovo.
China's virus slowdown offers hope for global containment

China's virus slowdown offers hope for global containment

The slowdown in coronavirus cases out of China offers a sliver of hope that the global outbreak can be controlled, but whether that can happen anytime soon without drastic measures remains to be seen, public health authorities say.
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