Bonnyville's beautiful properties ready to be recognized

The MD of Bonnyville discussed Lessard Bridge construction, ID 349, supporting Canada Day celebrations, and flooding mitigation.

Residents have the chance to be recognized for doing their part in making the MD of Bonnyville beautiful.

The MD’s agricultural services board is challenging residents to beautify their properties once again.

“The contest is the MD’s way of thanking and congratulating community members for making their properties beautiful,” said assistant ag fieldman Janice Boden.

Residents have the chance to nominate their own, a neighbour’s, or a friend’s property in one of two categories as part of the Rural Beautification Contest.

The first option is the acreage category, which is for properties 10 acres or smaller. They must be used for agricultural purposes and include properties in the rural subdivisions and hamlets. The criteria consist of shelterbelts, landscaping, design and facilities, vegetables, flowers, and gardens.

The second classification is farmstead. This category is for properties with 10 acres or more, and are judged based on their shelterbelts and landscaping. Judges will consider farm buildings, facilities, and the farmstead design when they evaluate the property.

Boden explained the contest is a way for MD residents to showcase their beautiful properties, while recognizing the pride and hard work residents put into their homes.

After the July 23 deadline, Boden will make trips to all of the submitted acreages to figure out a plan for the one-day tour.

“I’ll take final photos of the properties before I submit all of the contestants for the board to vote on the winners,” she explained.

Once the MD has selected the top properties, signs will be displayed for the MD’s tour in August, which includes stops at a local feed lot, a centurion farm museum, and a colony school.

“After the winners are presented the awards during the tour, we’ll end the day with a steak dinner,” she said.

Last year’s winner of the acreage award was the Ringuette family. Elaine Bolin received the farmstead award.

There is no cost to enter, and the contest is open to any properties located in the MD of Bonnyville.

Anyone interested in nominating themselves or someone else has until July 23 to hand-in a photo of the property with the entry form to the MD. Completed applications can be sent to, or dropped off to the agricultural services office.

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