MD of Bonnyville playgrounds, ball diamonds opening June 1

The MD of Bonnyville will be opening their playgrounds and ball diamonds to the public on June 1. File photo.

BONNYVILLE – The ropes and barricades are being removed from MD of Bonnyville playgrounds and ball diamonds.

On May 26, the municipality announced the reopening of the outdoor facilities will be happening on Monday, June 1.

The playground equipment won’t be sanitized, and the ball diamonds are only open to unorganized play. Games and tournaments aren’t being held at this time.

In a press release, the municipality said “when using the facilities, please keep our MD litter-free and clean up any waste you may accumulate (including disinfectant wipes) during your visit.”

The province increased the limit on group gatherings from 15 to 50, so long as social distancing and frequent hand washing are also encouraged when possible.

“We encourage those using our facilities to bring hand sanitizer with them and use it as necessary,” the press release stated.

All outhouses, washrooms, change rooms, and shower facilities within the MD are still closed to the public at this time.

Playgrounds and ball diamonds within the MD were closed on April 3 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to discourage large groups from getting together.

Robynne Henry, Bonnyville Nouvelle

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