MD of Bonnyville requesting Hwy. 892 be included in province's 2022 road construction program

The municipality has also reached out to businesses who use the stretch if Hwy. 892 north of Hwy. 55 to reach out to Alberta Transportation about the condition of the road. Photo submitted.
The wear and tear on Hwy. 892 north of Hwy. 55 promoted MD of Bonnyville council to write a letter to Alberta Transportation. Photo submitted.

BONNYVILLE - The condition of Hwy. 892 within the MD of Bonnyville is a concern the province is going to be hearing about. 

Council is writing a letter to Alberta Transportation and Minister of Transportation Ric McIver to request Hwy. 892 north of Hwy. 55 be included in the province’s roads restoration plans in 2022. 

Abid Malik, general manager of infrastructure services for the municipality, told council during the March 24 meeting that administration reached out to Alberta Transportation to ask if it is slated to be fixed in the 2021 construction program.  

“We have confirmed with Alberta Transportation, unfortunately, that this portion isn’t included in their rehabilitation that they have planned,” he noted. 

In order to include the stretch, administration suggested council pen a letter to the province requesting it be looked into. 

Reeve Greg Sawchuk suggested the municipality reach out to the businesses that primarily use the highway to request letters from them as well. 

“It’s for a majority of their users right there and it’s important that we put it back on the provincial government that this is where a lot of funding comes out of and we need a little bit of love to come support industry as well,” he stressed. 

The MD’s administration will be reaching out to companies using that section of Hwy. 892 to provide letters of support to Alberta Transportation in the coming weeks.  

Hwy. 892 runs north to south, and is located beteween Bonnyville and Cold Lake.

Robynne Henry, Bonnyville Nouvelle

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