Aurora Middle School hosts Fine Arts Showcase with Disney delights

No pressure kids ... Family and friends line up with the phones and cameras during the Grade 6 Band Class performance.
Lights, cameras, cameras, more cameras ... OK action.
A mouse in the house
Grade 8 Drama students perform a short skit called Pirates of the Carib -beans.
The Real Housewives of the Disney Kingdom was a fun skit by Grade 8 Drama students explaining how the ladies found their prince charmings.
Lots of brass in this class.
The Aurora Lightning Bells with teacher Heather Dempsey performed a medley of chiming Disney songs.
Hakuna Matata
The Aurora Choir performs A Whole New World
The Aurora band class on a break
She's got the beat.
The Grade 6 Drama class performs Briar Rose for the crowd in the Aurora gym
Aurora Band teacher Erin Shulko takes her Grade 7/8 class through the Avengers theme.

Lac La Biche's Aurora Middle School students hosted their annual Fine Arts Showcase on Wednesday night.  Under the theme of The Magic of Disney, Grades 6, 7 and 8 students from band, drama, the handbell choir, Glee club and choir entertained parents and friends with songs, music and skits based on classic Disney shows.

Aurora staff and the school's Parent Advisory Council also hosted a popcorn concession.

The POST also has music clips from the night at our Instagram page.

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