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Full house for Ashmont’s first-ever Farmers' Market

The Ashmont Agriplex was filled to the brim with both vendors and shoppers on May 18 for the community’s first-ever Farmers' Market.

ASHMONT – The Ashmont Agriplex was filled to the brim with both vendors and shoppers on May 18 for the community’s first-ever Farmers' Market.

Everything from ornate birdhouses to home-grown wool yarn, inspected pork and lamb, freshly picked produce and handcrafted jewelry filled rows of tables that overflowed into the entrance hall, with other vendors set to offer arrays of barn wood signs, intricate stained glass, balloon animals and bedding plants as the 10 a.m. opening time arrived.

Agricultural Society vice president Garry Himschoot and County of St. Paul Coun. Dale Hedrick had the honours of cutting the ceremonial ribbon to officially open the brand new event, with its organizer Sharon McDonald joining the lineup.

“It’s so nice to have something like this,” Himschoot said. “It’s another draw to the area, and with the city people at the lake lots coming out in the summer, it’s going to be huge.”

He expressed thanks to McDonald for spearheading the market’s development and his fellow board members for their cooperation in adding this new event to the community’s lineup.

A congratulatory cake was cut and enjoyed with coffee by those attending the opening, with lunch also available during the market, as sales continued until 2 p.m.

Future markets are scheduled for the fourth Saturday in each month, the final 2024 market set for Dec. 7.

About the Author: Vicki Brooker

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