MD agrees to fund additional RCMP support staff

The MD of Bonnyville will be applying for a grant that would provide funding for an energy efficient manager for the municipality.

The Cold Lake and Bonnyville RCMP detachments will have a little extra support thanks to the MD of Bonnyville.

During their council meeting on Wednesday, the MD of Bonnyville passed a motion to fund two new RCMP support staff members for the area. The Bonnyville and Cold Lake detachments will each get one additional support staff member.

Although they don't have concrete cost estimates, the MD agreed to fund the two support staff up to $180,000.

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MD discusses ID 349 Regional Partnership Committee

A letter from Alberta Municipal Affairs has cleared the air for local municipalities when it comes to what they expect of the future Regional Partnership Committee. The committee will be responsible for making regional project recommendations to the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

The committee must come to a consensus about which regional project will receive the $6-million in funding from ID 349.

Check back for more.

Muriel Lake Trail now open to horseback riders

Horseback riders are now welcome on the Muriel Lake Trail.

Signs have been posted, but Coun. Marc Jubinville, who has used the trail since it opened to horseback riders on June 23, recommends additional signage.

He suggested adding a sign in the parking lot to indicate where the trail starts.

Director of Parks, Recreation, and Culture, Chris McCord, said they would look into it.

MD taking a look at Vezeau Beach boat launch

The MD of Bonnyville is looking at making some improvements to the Vezeau Beach boat launch.

Currently, the dock is too far from shore. In order to repair it, they're looking at purchasing dock attachments.

They don't have an estimated cost as of yet, but once McCord has some solid numbers, the issue will be brought back to council for a decision.

Alberta Environment and Parks talk Kinosoo masterplan

Reeve Greg Sawchuk has discussed the MD's plans for Kinosoo Ridge with Alberta Environment and Parks.

"They looked at all of the plans, and they thought it was pretty big, a lot bigger than what they had thought was coming," expressed Sawchuk. "They're prime concern is always that there is no harm to the environment and that it's sustainable."

They also discussed consultation and have "asked us to be the proponent to that."

As a result, the MD will be reaching out to Cold Lake First Nations to start the process.

Moose Lake Provincial Park remains closed

Moose Lake Provincial Park is still trying to recover from a storm that caused major damage.

According to Sawchuk, the province has said they won't be opening the park again until the area is cleared of debris and fallen down trees.

"The damage done out there was huge. They're looking at it being closed for a long time, because they need all of the trees that are partially fallen cleaned up."

Sawchuk offered Alberta Environment and Parks the MD of Bonnyville's assistance in order to get the park back up and running sooner rather than later.

"I guess in the past when there was damage to parks, they have reached out," he added.

Alberta Environment and Parks is estimating it could take a month or more to clean up.

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