Town taking a serious look at expanding hospital

The Town of Bonnyville has made it clear expanding the Bonnyville Covenenant Healthcare Centre’s emergency department is a top priority.

The Town of Bonnyville is adamant the time is now to get the ball rolling on an expansion to the Bonnyville Covenant Healthcare Centre's emergency department.

Bonnyville Mayor Gene Sobolewski brought up the issue again during a Covenant Health luncheon.

“One of the topics we really got into was the fact that we're in desperate need of an expansion to our emergency department. I did some pressing on that one,” said Sobolewski.

This has been an issue the town has tried to deal with in the past, after a needs assessment in 2009 revealed an expansion would be warranted.

Since that time, the number of people utilizing the hospital has grown exponentially, drawing attention to the lack of space in the emergency department. Now, with the need greater than ever, Sobolewski is once again bringing the idea of expanding the facility back to the table.

“It's been in need since 2009, the report demonstrated a need back then. Since then, our numbers have grown much greater. We're really at our limits, and we need to push further, and that's just due to the quality healthcare provided at the facility that people have come to expect,” Sobolewski noted.

No formal plans for expansion have been made yet, but the town will continue to press the provincial government and other involved parties to get the project off the ground.

With users pouring in from across the Lakeland on a daily basis, a possible expansion is becoming one of the town's top priorities.

“We want to have dialogue with the minister on this. We're also working hand-in-hand with Alberta Health Services and Covenant Health to get the project listed because we have a lot of competition, particularly with some of the foundations in the larger cities,” said Sobolewski.

The proposed expansion would see the emergency wing re-vamped, and minor work completed in other areas around the hospital. Going forward, the town will make it their goal to ensure the province is fully aware of the need that exists in Bonnyville.

With other municipalities vying for dollars for projects of their own, it becomes even more important for the town to voice their concerns with the hospital.

“It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. We've got to make some noise on this one. We're going to try to create and facilitate awareness to the need we have here with the provincial entities,” explained Sobolewski.

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