New features on Extravaganza lineup

An expanded lineup of volunteers gave the Nov. 28 Elk Point Christmas Extravaganza a jump start at the first planning meeting of the season, with many of the details assigned and work getting underway.

The Extravaganza committee is considering a passport format for their contest this year, with stamps given for each $10 spent, with filled passports to be deposited at a central location on or before Extravaganza night and shoppers welcome to fill as many passports and thus have multiple entries in the contest. Prizes and passport time frame has not yet been determined.

Students at the meeting showed considerable interest in assisting with activities for younger children, which would be offered in the late afternoon and would end just before the 7 p.m. parade. Arrangements have already been made for photos with Santa, which will again be located at the Seniors Recreation Centre. The craft sale at F. G. Miller High School will be held in conjunction with Extravaganza again this year, and F. G. Miller students will again involved in selling 50-50 tickets and cleaning up the streets at the end of the evening.

The Visitor Information EcoCentre and Iron Horse Trail staging area are slated to be a big part of the action this year, with an outdoor skating rink near the gazebo and fire pit, with the loading zone for the horse-drawn wagon rides near the EcoCentre, which will hopefully be open that evening for tours and hot chocolate.

Plans are underway to decorate the EcoCentre with energy-efficient Christmas lights, and some of the Elk Point Co-op staff is volunteering their time to install Christmas lights purchased by downtown businesses prior to Extravaganza, in exchange for a donation to the chamber.

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